Abstract Wallpaper

Posted by FOXY On 07 - 23 - 2009

Any picture can certainly lead to another picture using Adobe Photoshop. That I'll try in the following tutorial and the result is amazing. I recommend this simple tutorial to beginners and the most advanced. Of course you can add any effect, any element, text and also you can change the colors.

Bubbles Background

Posted by FOXY On 07 - 15 - 2009

With this tutorial we will learn to create a colored bubbles effect. We will create a cool background using the Brushe and the Gradient Tool. You can do different mixes with your favorite colors and the result is an explosion of color and energy.

Colored rays effect

Posted by FOXY On 06 - 16 - 2009

Now you can make your own colored light Wallpaper in 12 steps in Adobe Photoshop. You can create rays that brings to life any ordinary photography and also gives a halo effect. Through this tutorial you will learn how to use alpha channel and how to manage the light/dark areas.

Make brushes

Posted by FOXY On 06 - 29 - 2009

Perhaps, many times you have used a lot of downloaded brushes from different sites. Now you can create your own brush with different tools in photoshop. Everything you need is imagination and the following tutorial. Good luck!

Cold Effect

Posted by Foxy On 06 - 12- 2009

This Photoshop tutorial contains just 6 steps and the result is an interesting color effect proper for any photo. You will learn to manage the curves/hue/gradient map layers and you can create your own photo effect if you modify the values of the created layers.

Shinny Buttons

Posted by Foxy On 06-09-2009

In this Photoshop Tutorial you will learn how to make a nice and shinny button. You can change the colors or the settings of the layer so you can obtain your own buttons.

Change your hair color.

Posted by Foxy On 06-09-2009

Have you ever thought how you will look with your hair blue/pink/green? Now you can find out how to make this change in just 8 Steps in Adobe Photoshop. Tips: This Photoshop tutorial is proper for light hair color. To obtain different colors, what you have to do is playing with the values of hue/saturation command

Light Vision Text

Posted by Foxy On 05 -12-2009

In this photoshop tutorial you will learn in 13 steps how to decorate your text with a cool light effect. For this tutorial I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0. For any questions you can leave a comment and in 24 hours i will reply.

Abstract Wallpaper

Publicat de ps-fan On 04:59 Delicious Delicious DiggIt! submit to reddit

Any picture can certainly lead to another picture using Adobe Photoshop. That I'll try in the following tutorial and the result is amazing. I recommend this simple tutorial to beginners and the most advanced. Of course you can add any effect, any element, text and also you can change the colors.

Step 1: Open a colorful photo (I will use the previous wallpaper).

Step 2: Go to Filter>Blur>Radial Blur and change the blur method to zoom and the amount value to about 75 %.

Do this twice for a better blur effect.

Step 3: Now go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast and set the next values.

Step 4: Next up, we'll have to twirl the Layer1. So duplicate the background(ctrl +j) and go to Filter>Disort>Twirl and set 95 angle. Now change the layer blend mode to Liner Dodge and the opacity to 48% and press ctrl + e to merge down.

Step 5: For a better quality of the photo we'll apply another effect. Duplicate the background again and go to Filter>Other>High pass and set the radius to 19.0 px. and then change the Layer 1 blend mode to Soft Light and the opacity to 50%. Press again ctrl+E to merge down.

Step 6: Look at the red area: The color is too strong and an area like this can ruin any picture. So to solve this problem i will go to Image>Adjustments>Replace color. All I have to do is to extract with the pipette the color I want to change and then increase the fuzziness value like in the print screen below. Then you just change the brightness and hue values

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